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Click on the icon above to log in to Google Classroom

Google Classroom Agreement/ Remote Learning Policy

What is Google Classroom?

How to access Google Classroom

Student Login Demo.mp4

To access Google Classroom, please follow the steps below:

1) Type in classroom.google.com into the address bar or search engine (clicking on the blue link or the icon at the top of the page will also take you straight to the login page).

2) Enter your child's unique username, which consists of a unique username (email address) and password.  Please note, children's usernames and passwords have been sent to parents/ carers via SchoolComms. 

USERNAME: joebloggs@dayslaneprimary.co.uk


Troubleshooting - If you already have a personal Google account (gmail), you will need to sign out of this before children can log onto Google Classroom, as this feature is only available for approved school accounts.

To sign out from your personal account, please follow the following steps:

  1. Locate your profile picture in the top right hand corner of the screen (see image below).
  2. Click on the image to open a dropdown menu.
  3. Click "Sign out" on the bottom of the menu.
  4. Your child can then sign in with their school email address.

How To Add Another Google Account

How to add another Google Account.mp4

How To Navigate Google Classroom

Navigating Google Classroom.mp4
Accessing Google Meet.mp4

Google Classroom Agreement/ Remote Learning Policy

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