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Parent Guidance - Days Lane's online learning platforms

The school have subscribed to a number of online learning platforms for the children to access at home and in school. Please find the details of all below, including step-by-step guidance regarding how to access and use the platforms at home.

Please note, we have emailed to parents/ carers their children's usernames and passwords to log into the learning platforms. We kindly ask that these are not shared with any other person.

Bug Club



SPaG.com allows children to practise a full range of grammar skills at their level. There are also tests that can be set to find areas of strength and those which need developing. 

Please click on the icon below for guidance about how to access and use the online resource:



MyMaths offers interactive lessons, along with a wealth of resources that will help you to develop your children's confidence and fluency in maths.

*Please note that you will need to enter the school's username and password on the home screen and then your child's individual user name and password to access their allocated tasks.

Please click on the icon below for guidance about how to access and use the online resources:

Times Tables Rockstars


Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Your child’s class teacher will have set up the programme of times tables in accordance with the National Curriculum times table expectations.

Please click on the icon below for guidance about how to access and use the online resources:

Purple Mash


Purple Mash is an online platform that includes a number of digital tools e.g. publishing, painting, animation etc for children to use. Teachers can set activities for children to access both at school and at home. Once complete, they can be saved online and handed in for the teacher to review.

Please click on the icon below for guidance about how to access and use the online resource:

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