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Eco Warriors

Miss Worrell (Geography Lead)recruited a team of Eco-Warriors in the autumn term, who are dedicated to ensuring that we develop into a highly sustainable school. They monitor our energy use, ensure that we all look after our school and wider environment, and also encourage our school community to recyle, reuse and reduce!   

During our Assembly in the Autumn term, we discussed the importance of being eco-friendly and, in particular, what we can do to tackle climate change. Please click on the links below to watch some short videos that were used in the assembly.

KS1 video - https://youtu.be/Ob8zzXjDfc4

KS2 video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8unGCTWUWI

Minutes from Meetings


We created two 'Eco Codes' to present to Mr Lang.

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